it came to pass, when Solomon had finished
building of the house of the LORD, and the king’s house,
all Solomon’s desire which he was pleased to do,
the LORD appeared to Solomon the second time,
he had appeared unto him at Gibeon.
the LORD said unto him, I have heard thy prayer
thy supplication, that thou hast made before me:
have hallowed this house, which thou hast built,
put my name there forever; and mine eyes
mine heart shall be there perpetually…
if ye shall at all turn from following me, ye or your children,
will not keep my commandments and my statutes
I have set before you, but go and serve other
and worship them: Then will I cut off
Israel out
the land which I have given them; and this house, which I
hallowed for my name, will I cast out of my sight; and
shall be a proverb and a byword among all people
1st Kings 8-9, we have the recounting of King Solomon’s dedication
of the new temple he built, the prayers of intercession he made on behalf of
his people to God before it, and God’s answer to him after the festivities died
down. This moment brought to fruition a
number of promises God made through His servant Moses more than 500 years prior,
and for which the people of Israel waited.
God blessed Israel with peace and prosperity on a scale that amazed the
ancient world, after having spent the last several centuries liberating them
from slavery and the endless assaults of various enemies. Solomon’s fame and that of Israel would draw
the leaders and representatives of various other nations to his courts, where
he would pour forth his God-given wisdom, and build strong alliances with many.
this moment of peace and prosperity, however, came both a promise and warning
to Israel. God had heard their faithful
prayers for mercy and grace, and had given it to them without measure. He blessed them with riches and produce, a
kingdom which the world would envy, defended them from their enemies, and dwelt
among them as their salvation. 3000
years ago, the nation of Israel was united and prosperous. Sadly, it didn’t stay that way. In the years and generations that followed—even
within the lifetime of this great King Solomon—the people let go of their faith
in God and His Word, and found that the warnings God gave them were just as
real as His promises. Without His protection
and grace, the Israelites suffered famine and drought, pestilence and war, and
eventually the destruction of their nation under various invading armies. By
refusing to dwell in the peace and prosperity of God’s Gospel promises, they
chose instead to dwell under the severity of His curse. These were real people, in real history,
dealing with a real God whose Word was inescapably real, as well.
the time Jesus would come to Israel nearly 1000 years after Solomon’s reign, the
nation was an occupied state of Rome.
Under Ceasar’s vassal rule, the people of Israel were not full citizens,
did not have full rights under the law, and lived under the tyranny of their
occupiers who they supported with their taxes.
Israel had wandered far from the promises God had given them through
Moses and Solomon, and often ignored the repeated warnings of the Prophets God had
sent them. But God had preserved a faithful
remnant in Israel from the beginning, who despite the vast unfaithfulness of
the people at large and their leaders, He would use to bring forth the
salvation of His Messiah. When Jesus
encountered the faith and humility of the Roman Centurion in John chapter 7, He
turned to His own people to say that He had not found such faith throughout all
Israel. It was an echo of the Word He spoke
to Solomon so many years before, and it taught the people that God was less
interested in nationality and heritage than He was in living faith and
repentance. In faith, the Centurion
received the blessings of grace and providence which healed his beloved
servant; without faith, the nation of Israel languished under the rule of the
Romans. Jesus’ Incarnation as the very
Word of God made flesh walking among them in the fullness of divine Truth, was
a declaration once again that they were in the presence of a real God whose
Word made real what it said.
years later, that Truth still remains.
There is still a real God who continues to speak His real Word to His
people, showing forth the blessings of His mercy while warning about the
calamity of His judgment. The same Jesus
who spoke to Moses on Mount Sinai, who spoke to Solomon and the Prophets, who
walked the ancient streets of Palestine, who suffered, died, and rose again for
the sins of the whole world, who sent forth the Apostles of His Holy Church to
preach His Gospel of salvation to all people, who ascended into heaven to sit
at the right hand of His Father until the time would be complete for His return
to judge the living and the dead: this
same Jesus speaks to our world today.
Today, He calls His people to hear His Word, and to abide by faith in
His promises of forgiveness, life, and salvation. Today, He sends His Holy Spirit to work
through His Word, so that everyone who hears might turn from their evil, believe
and live. Today, He gives His grace to all who will leave the ways of darkness
behind, and preserves them in His sanctifying grace unto life everlasting in
His Kingdom which has no end. Today, He
promises that His eyes will not depart from the temple of your heart as long as
you abide in His Gospel promises by His grace through faith in Him and His
Word. Today, this very real and eternal
God speaks His very real and eternal Word to you, that you might rise up in the
newness of His life forever.
He also speaks His Word of warning, as well.
Apart from Him, His Word, and His grace, there is no peace, no
prosperity, no hope in this world or the next.
Apart from Him, our enemies gather at the gates to destroy our nations,
our communities, congregations, our families, and ourselves. Apart from God’s grace in Jesus Christ, we
are left alone in the darkness of a dying world according to the consequences
of His Holy Law, where we become downtrodden by the wicked and the
malicious. The spirit of evil still runs
throughout our fallen world always seeking whom it may devour, lusting after whomever
has drifted from faith in the saving promises of God our Savior—those who have
forgotten the deep and eternal realities of God and His Word, and who may thus be
easily led by deception unto eternal destruction. He is a real God, and we are real people,
living in a real world with real threats on every side. We face real life, real death, and a real
eternity as either the friends or enemies of God.
let the Word of God’s eternal truth pierce through the fog of lies which have befuddled
your heart and mind. Hear Jesus make His
appeal to you through His Word, to gather you to His eternal people, and to add
you to the number of those who would abide in His grace and mercy forever. Hear Him as He shows you the price of your
salvation written in the holy blood He poured forth through His Cross, how He
sends His Holy Spirit to make of you a temple more grand and enduring than the
splendors of Solomon’s temple. Hear Him
as He reconciles you to His Father forever, forgiving you your sins, taking
away your death, and giving you His never ending life. Turn from the unfaithful sirens of a dying
world, whose saccharine sweetness call souls to be crashed upon their rocks of
destruction, and instead abide in the love and mercy and grace of the God who
comes to save you. Your God is real, and
He comes to you in this very real time and place, to speak to you His real Word
of promise and life. Abide in Him, and
live. Amen.