Tuesday, May 27, 2014

The Church Endures Apostate Bishops: A Meditation on Acts 1

Who among us has not lamented the failings of our leaders?  Be it political or churchly, when our leaders fail us, it is often quickly on our tongues to curse them, spite them, slander them, or despair because of them.  In the political arena, whether it is the ruling king, or some kind of parliament or congress, unfaithful leaders can do a great deal of harm, even to the destruction of the state.  History is littered with examples of nations that have fallen, some never to rise again, because of poor leadership.

But the Church and the Secular Government, have different promises and commands from God.  While the state has no promise to endure, often rising and falling relative to their respective practical wisdom, virtue, and strength, the Church has the promise of Christ that the gates of hell shall not prevail against it.  The Church, unlike the state, shall abide forever—even unto the end of the world.  And so, while faithless and vain leaders can wreak havoc on the Church like they can on the State, they can’t cause the whole Church of Christ to fall.  They might destroy a local church or congregation, or even large swathes of areas with apostasy, false teaching, heresy, abuse, and more… but they cannot destroy the Church.

For nearly 2000 years, the Church has continued, despite poor leaders and destructive bishops.  Before the New Testament Church emerged at Pentecost in 33 AD, the Old Testament Church persisted since the covenant with Abraham somewhere around 2000 BC… and from the beginning of time, as God made His covenant with His people at Creation.  From the dawn of history, we have the recorded Word which God sent to His people, which called, gathered, enlightened, and enlivened them by grace through faith in Him.  That Word did its work in ages of mass apostasy, even when Noah and his family were all that were left of the household of faith; in the times of the Patriarchs, the slavery in Egypt, the time of the Exodus, Conquest, and the Judges; the times of the Kings, the divided Kingdom, and the great Captivities; the time of the return to Jerusalem, of the Maccabean revolt, the domination of the Romans.  In every time and place since, God has continued to send His Word to His people, to gather them in His promises by grace through faith.

In our reading from Acts, the Apostles wrestle with what it means to have one of the 12 whom Jesus chose, be an apostate and traitor.  Their solution, is to call and ordain another witness to the Word—a witness to Jesus Christ—to take Judas’ place.  They could do this, because they knew the Church was not built upon the Apostles, but upon the Word of God.  The Apostles were witnesses and servants of the Word, given life and authority by the Word, to proclaim the Word to the whole creation.  Judas certainly did a lot of damage as he was thieving from the common purse, and eventually taking sides with the murderous Pharisees and Saduccees, but he could no more destroy the Church as He could keep Jesus in the grave.  The Word of the Lord endures forever.

Even so, in our day, we suffer with poor leaders.  We have bishops, pastors, and people in various leadership positions, who know the Word of the Lord, but reject it.  We have whole councils of congregations, dioceses, regions, and church bodies that reject the Word.  We have abusers of children, traitors to Christ, who have infiltrated our Churches, sometimes attaining positions of power and influence.  We have leaders who have taken their place with the persecutors of the Church, of Christ, and His Word, preferring the fellowship of the world which is at war with God.  We have leaders that, as in every age, will fulfill the ancient observation, that the road to hell is lined with the skulls of unfaithful priests and bishops.

But how can the Church endure our age of apostasy and unbelief, of evil and wickedness in high places?  The same way it has for over 4000 years, and will until the end of time:  by the power of the Word of God.  Our leaders today, as in every day, are not masters of the Word—they are called to be servants of the Word.  They can no more destroy the Church in our day, than Judas could destroy it in his day.  The Church of Jesus Christ will endure, because His Word will endure.  Wherever the People of God gather around His Word in faith, there is the Church.  When one leader falls, another will be raised by the power of that same Word.  And as with any servant of the Word, if they remain in faith they remain in grace—but if they surrender to the devil in unbelief, they will be cut off.  Always and everywhere, the Church is found where Christ and His Word gather them together.  And regardless of all the pomp, costumes, rituals, and dignitaries, if the Word of the Lord has departed, that gathering is not the Church.  In all things, the Word of the Lord is what defines, establishes, and preserves the Church.

So should we remove from our midst false teachers and bishops?  Absolutely, and with great vigor.  If a particular fellowship is so enthralled by their false leaders that they cannot or will not remove them, should we gather together where the Word is taught purely and genuinely?  Most certainly.  Should we despair when false teachers and apostate bishops guide whole fellowships to become the Whore of Babylon, siding with the secular and demonic powers to become drunk with the blood of the saints?  No.  We must not despair of anything the devil, the world, and apostate leaders cast against Christ and His Holy Church.  We must remember, that we live by grace through faith in the Son of God, communicated to us by His Spirit through His Word.  His Word will endure forever, as will all those called, gathered, enlivened, and sanctified by it.

Even if you find yourself like Noah in your local community, give thanks for the Word that blesses and keeps you by grace through faith.  If you are part of a larger faithful fellowship, give thanks for the Word that blesses and keeps you in that fellowship.  And always remember, that Christ and His Word cannot be defeated by sin, death, the devil, or even by hell itself.  The Word that keeps you by grace through faith in the Son of God, shall abide forever.  Amen.

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