Rainbows are fairly ubiquitous today. 30 years ago or more, the rainbow was often used in children’s story books, and in school classrooms for memorizing the color spectrum. Today it has been adopted by certain political and social action groups as a banner for various sexual identities or causes, often abbreviated with the ever growing acronym: LGBTQ… Given the manner in which our day and place use the rainbow as a symbol or sign, it is worth remembering what God gave the rainbow to be.
the early ages of the earth, after the Creation and the Fall, the world fell
into such horrible and rampant evil that God destroyed every living creature
which breathed air through a great and terrible Flood. This Flood, the evidence of which remains on
mountains all over the world and in massive jumbled fossil beds from Montana to
Africa and Asia, was a judgment of Almighty God upon a fallen humanity which so
polluted His good earth with their evil that He wiped them out. We’re not told how many people there were on
the earth at the time of the Flood, but we know that only eight souls survived,
preserved in the providence of the Ark by God’s good and gracious will. This Flood was a near total calamity, and
absolutely justified by the evil propagated by God’s creatures against their
Creator. Alone on the Ark were the
survivors of God’s wrath, and as they stepped out of that saving Ark into the
world which had just been judged, God had a few things to say to them all.
discussing murder and the created order of man to the animal kingdom, God
addressed the fear of the Law which must have reigned in the hearts of Noah,
his family, and the animals he tended.
No one on the earth either before or since, had seen that level of God’s
wrath revealed upon the whole of creation.
For all the atrocities we have recorded in the volumes of histories
across the world, the great murderous atrocities of atheist regimes in the 20th
century, or the great burgeoning atrocities of militant Islam at the start of
the 21st century, no one has seen the level of devastation rightly
descended upon the whole of mankind like Noah and his cohort did. The Law of God was written in the countless
corpses of innumerable creatures, now settled into their earthen graves for
later generations to dig up and ponder.
In the face of such judgment which would alone shatter the minds of men,
God speaks a Word of Gospel hope to the world.
again would God judge the world this way through water, and never has He done
so. He made a covenant with Noah and the
whole earth, and sealed it with the sign of the rainbow. From that time on, the rainbow—God’s Bow—would
be a sign of both His devastating Law and His life giving Gospel. It would be a reminder of the price of evil,
the depths to which man can descend, the righteous fury of the only true and
holy God, and the preservation which alone comes from His grace. The rainbow became God’s Word in physical
form, left as a real and tangible reminder of His covenant with the whole
what the rainbow actually is, we should shudder at the use to which it is put
by so many today. Taking the sign of God’s
judgment and grace and using it to celebrate wickedness is nothing short of a
demonic fist in the face of God. Exactly
what are we trying to communicate, when we use the rainbow to trumpet our
disregard for the order of creation or the complimentarity of the sexes? What message do we wish to send to our God,
when we use the rainbow as a sign for discarding the sexual ethics He
established in creation, and which we can read plainly even in Natural Law? What precisely do we think God will see, when
we put His Bow upon our churches as a sign that we have in our new wisdom
called good what He has irrevocably called evil?
more than political action committees, campaigns, courts, groups, and even
churches, what is it you are saying to God, when you take that rainbow upon
yourself and use it promote sodomy and gender confusion? Have you placed the rainbow over your
Facebook cover photo or the bumper of your car as a sign of support for
homosexual marriage? And if you have not
personally flown God’s Bow as a banner for evil, have you even begun to
conceive the horror of this popular rebellion against our holy God, and pleaded
with your neighbor to avoid His wrath which is surely coming upon us all?
course, in all and every way, we have failed in this. We have honored neither God’s Law nor His
Gospel, and we have been guilty in either our action or inaction. We have failed to remember the holiness of
our God, the depth of our sin, the righteousness of our judgment, or the grace
of our salvation. We have dishonored the
Bow of God’s covenant, and for that we deserve a fate worse than a watery death—we
deserve the fires of hell.
was, however, one Man who saw a judgment far greater than the judgment Noah
saw. As Christ hung upon the Cross for
the sins of the whole world, He not only saw, but in His own flesh received the
eternity of hell which was due to every sinner ever to live upon the
earth. His eyes beheld tortures far
beyond the woeful wounds of Roman crucifixion, far worse than the panicked gurgling
of a billion drowning souls; and yet He willingly gave Himself into this
judgment as a ransom for us all. For
every evil doer from Adam to our own day, and every day to come: for the genocidal maniac, for the despot, for
the idolater, for the letch, for the glutton, and even for the desecrators of
God’s rainbow covenant, Christ has entered into our eternal judgment that we
might live by His grace. He has built
for us His Holy Church which has become for us our Ark of salvation from the
fires to come. He has sealed us in His
covenant by the waters of Holy Baptism, spoken His Word of Absolution to us
through the Office of the Keys, and fed us upon His own life giving Body and
Blood through His Holy Supper—all everlasting signs of this greatest and final
Covenant. We are a people saved by His
grace through faith in His vicarious sacrifice for us, alive by His Word and
sustained by His providence. Enlivened
by His Holy Spirit we are reconciled to His Father through His most holy Cross.
sign of God’s covenant in His Bow is good indeed, but it points us forward to a
greater covenant: the Gospel of
salvation in Jesus Christ by grace through faith in Him alone. Here in this covenant written in the blood of
Jesus, we find His Word which calls us to faith and repentance, to forgiveness,
life, and salvation. Here there is
forgiveness for all who will repent and believe. The Lord has judged once by water, and shall
judge again by fire. Do not be consumed
by the wickedness of this perverse and twisted generation, dancing as
marionettes upon the devil’s strings until the yawning mouth of hell opens to
swallow them all. Repent of your mocking
of the most holy God, that you might not die under His Law, but live according
to the grace of His Gospel. That final
judgment of fire is coming for us all, more surely than the waters of Noah’s
Flood came upon the whole ancient world.
Receive the refuge of Christ’s forgiveness against those coming flames,
and rest secure in the grace He pours out by His Word through the Ark of His
Holy Church.
Repent. Believe.
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