Thursday, February 2, 2023

To a Brother in Arms

Evening and Morning

A New Day

When Conflict turns to Victory

And Trial revealed as Triumph.


We were not raised together

But we surely grew together

As only brothers can

When faced with common strife

And earning common scars.


We were not perfect then

Nor are we perfect now

Having lived real lives

Where pain and pleasure

Tear at mind and body.


In one day we trained

In another we fought

In one night we listened

In another we slept

In rhythm prepared for combat.


Often enemies hid

Knowing their peril

Afraid of the direct war

Waiting for weakness

Striking upon opportunity.


Sometimes we attacked

Sometimes we defended

One day we repelled invasion

One night we took back ground

Never did we retreat.


Battlefields turned to houses

Training sites to neighborhoods

Units turned to families

Battalions became communities

Always warriors watched.


Brothers in arms are known

By those who take up arms

And watch from the field

For enemy action

Refusing to yield.


Spouses and siblings

Friends and coworkers

The warrior walks among them

To protect and guard them

From the enemies in shadow.


One day a business is built

One night a crisis averted

One day a strategy created

One night a tactic adapted

Constructing providence for others.


Enemies watch from without

They measure time and season

Prey upon the young

Torment minds of the old

Turn one against another.


Warriors know their weakness

Only mortal, broken

Minds that wander

Attention distracted

Scars that ache more by year.


In one day a love is lost

In one night a heart broken

In one day a child rebels

In one night a friend is angry

The wounds grow heavier.


Old warriors now

No longer young, impetuous

More restrained, cautious

Each new battle takes a toll

Leaves a scar unhealed.


Together they reminisce

Compare their notes, concerns

Look for patterns

News of enemy actions

Prepare, adapt, reengage.


Burdens are heavy, moving

Enemies know the aging

Warriors lose a step

Minds and bodies slower now

Perception growing dim.


Brothers in the twilight tavern

Games, drinks, foods

Conversation and camaraderie

Strength reassures strength

Faith remembers the Promise.


Warriors see their enemy

Clearly in the darkness

More proud now, violent

They do not slow nor slumber

Ancient evil pursues them.


Enemies wait for opportunity

Warriors know their time approaches

Mortals are bound by time

Evil corrupts ages

The final battle looms.


One day a warrior rises

One night he fails to sleep

One day he sees his allies

One night their splendor dawns

The hosts of warriors unnumbered.


Warriors steel their hearts

Brace their fractured bones

Clear their muddle minds

Now in company formation

The war they enter again.


Enemies hurl their worst

Attacks on every front

Bodies break and minds collapse

Warriors bleed, but do not bend

Upheld by heavenly brothers


Into the night they press

Enemies and warriors

One committed to destruction

One to life defended

Mortal meets spirit in combat


Terrible the fight

Weapons drawn, presented

Concussion and confusion

Ferocity and passion

Life and death.


Warriors face the final battle

Knowing they will fall

As all mortals must

Upon this fallen world

Engage an enemy superior.


The flesh laid low, contorted

The mind made still, quiet

The earth receives their blood

Their sweat, tears, and hope

Enemies crow over their kill.


In one day, the fleshly heart stops beating

In one night, the brain ceases function

In one day, a new heart pounds

In one night, the mind is restored

Warriors find resurrection.


Warriors rise, immortal

Faith made sight

Hope made present

Grace poured out in abundance

Bloodied garb replaced with splendor.


Into new ranks the Warrior presses

A host uncountable, irresistible

The Legion of the King Almighty

Empowered by the divine Word

Rank upon rank swelling.


Now enemies see their failure

Howling in fear, hatred

Their prey is now their predator

Hunted they flee as cowards

Before the glory of the Lord of Hosts.


Warriors find their home

A vanguard always sure

A wall never breached

A community in perfect harmony

All enemies forever conquered.


The celebration halls ring out

To welcome the new warrior

Who fought the good fight

Who finished the race

Who kept well his duty and charge.


Warriors see here their brothers

Purged of their prior sins

Washed from their old weakness

Bright shining like suns

As he now has become.


Stories of battles and victories

Flow like the wine of revelry

Conquered evil sent to perdition

The humble and virtuous elevated

The communion sweet, savored.


Warriors hear again the cheer

Another has pressed into their ranks

Another has spent their last strength

And risen to glories of grace

From the King of Glory given.


There in that hall I will meet you

When my last battle is fought

And we shall embrace again

In fondest remembrance

Of wars we won by grace.


Till then, cheer us on, brother

That our hearts not falter

And our faith not fail

That we meet our enemy with courage

And keep our duty clear.


That with all the saints and warriors past

We might know the victory of our King

Our enemies dashed upon the gates of hell

Our brethren safe on those hallowed shores

Our fellowships all restored.


One day, the heat of battle fierce

One night, the terrors of evil near

One day, the dawn rises forever

One night, there shall be no night again

One Eternal Day awaits.



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