the end of the sabbath, as it began to dawn toward the first day of the week,
Mary Magdalene and the other Mary to see the sepulchre.
behold, there was a great earthquake:
the angel of the Lord descended from heaven,
came and rolled back the stone from the door, and sat upon it.
countenance was like lightning, and his raiment white as snow:
for fear of him the keepers did shake, and became as dead men.
the angel answered and said unto the women,
not ye: for I know that ye seek Jesus, which was crucified.
is not here: for he is risen, as he said.
Come, see the place where the Lord lay.
go quickly, and tell his disciples that he is risen from the dead;
behold, he goeth before you into Galilee;
there shall ye see him: lo, I have told you.
they departed quickly from the sepulchre with fear and great joy;
and did run to bring his disciples word.
as they went to tell his disciples, behold, Jesus met them, saying, All hail.
they came and held him by the feet, and worshipped him.
said Jesus unto them,
not afraid: go tell my brethren that they go into Galilee,
and there shall they see me.
This is a big deal. There aren’t many times in the Scriptures
where holy angels are recorded as having come with a proclamatory message, but
when they do, it is of profound significance.
They sang and proclaimed Jesus’ Incarnation at His birth, where God and
Man were united uniquely and irrevocably in the indivisible Person of the
Son. Now, after the unfathomable work of
Jesus on the Cross just three days prior, where in a moment of time He took
upon Himself the eternities of hellish suffering due for every one of the
trillions of souls that would ever enter upon this fallen world, so that satisfaction
would be paid and they might all be reconciled to God, the holy angels again came
to proclaim His Resurrection. The work
now done that no man could do, Jesus was risen from the dead, and would show
Himself alive to His disciples. The tomb
was empty, the Roman guards shocked into a death-like stupor, the stone rolled
away, and the grave clothes set aside.
Death was conquered, hell was invaded and pillaged, Satan with his
demonic hordes were cast into utter subjection, and the Eternal Word of Good
News was to ring throughout world:
Christ is Risen, we are forgiven, and for His sake all men may live
forever by grace through faith in Him alone.
Since the creation of the
cosmos, there has not yet been anything in the history of men like the
Resurrection of Jesus. His Resurrection
was the fulfillment of a Promise made by God to our first parents in the Garden
of Eden immediately after our fall into sin and death. His Resurrection was the declaration that
every Word given to Noah, Abraham, and Moses was just as sure as the Word that
was given to every one of His Old Testament Prophets and His New Testament
Apostles. His Resurrection was proof
positive that He was who He said He was—the only begotten Son of the Father,
full of grace and truth, apart from whom no one can come to God reconciled. There have been some resurrections recorded
across history, but none of them were accomplished by the power of the one who
was dead—only Jesus’ Resurrection was accomplished because the Author of Life
could not be held subject to death, anymore than the divine Light could be suppressed
by darkness. Jesus’ Resurrection is the
undeniable verification that His Word is true, and that His Word to us life
everlasting for all who abide in Him by faith.
Of course, there are
plenty of people who choose to ignore this truth. There are those who flippantly discard the
uniquely authoritative Holy Scriptures, with all their Law and Gospel and
prophecy fulfilled across millennia, so they don’t have to surrender their darkness
to the Light of Christ. There are those
who reject the moral implications of an ordered universe created by the Word
and Will of the Lord God Almighty, so that they might ignore the duties of love
and fidelity which derive from it, chasing instead their own distorted
passions. There are those who shut their
eyes and plug their ears from the history of a world turned upside down by the
One who conquered death, and gave His victory over sin, death, hell, and the
devil, to all who would follow Him, so that they might indulge a while longer
in the vapid narcissism of demons. But
regardless of how fallen men respond to the objective reality of Jesus and His
Resurrection, the unfaithfulness of man cannot induce unfaithfulness in
God. Whether we hear Him or not, whether
we follow Him or not, He is still who He is, and there is no other god beside
Him. There is only one Creator, only one
Redeemer, only one Sanctifier, of the whole human race, and the reality of this
Trinity in Unity and Unity in Trinity cannot be unmade by the creatures He has
brought forth. Those who deny Him do not
change Him anymore than those who receive Him in faith; His Word to those who
believe is the sure promise of eternal life, while His Word to those who refuse
to believe is the sure promise of eternal life abandoned.
Yet either way, the Word
of the Lord endures forever, and Jesus’ Resurrection stands irrevocable like an
eternal sign in the heavens. It is a
sign that is further written on every one of those who follow Him, first in the
waters of Holy Baptism, and then in every moment of one’s life consecrated to
the Savior. It is a sign that rings out
from the fellowship of saints here below, when they gather around the risen
Jesus to hear His Word rightly preached, and His sacraments administered
according to His institution. It is a
sign that is sung in the halls of glory until the end of time, where the saints
in light celebrate together the victory and life of the risen Lord given to
them by grace through faith, even as they celebrate the arrival of each sanctified
soul into their eternal revelry. It is a
sign that shall be proclaimed on earth until the Lord’s return, where the faith
of the Church Militant continues to resist the forces of evil until that great
Day when all people shall see the Lord our God with their own resurrected eyes,
and standing on their own resurrected feet, upon a new earth resurrected and
purged of all sin and death. It is a
sign that mysteriously transforms the Christian into the likeness of their Savior
day by day, where the power of the Holy Spirit works through the Eternal Word
to bring faith and repentance meet to receive His transformative grace and
life. Jesus’ Resurrection is the sign which
calls all people to Himself, that all might partake of His lifegiving Gospel,
and live in Him forever.
Easter is come, and there
is now no question left under heaven whether God loves and saves His people. There is nothing left to doubt, and there is
no one left behind, for the Creator of all has become the Savior of all, that
all who will trust in Him might live as He lives. Let the darkness of doubt wash away, and see
once again the marvelous sign of God’s love and victory given to you. For Jesus Christ is risen today, and no power
of hell which was conquered at Calvary can ever presume to assail and dislodge
you from His omnipotent, pierced hands.
Rejoice, o saints, of every time and place, for the Lord of Glory reigns
triumphant over the grave, and because He lives, we shall live also. Soli Deo Gloria! Amen.
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